Episode 52: Tips on How to Maximize Your Time

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How many times have you said to yourself: “there just aren’t enough hours in the day.” Or, wondered as 5pm rolls up, “where has the time gone?!” Turning our focus inward to ourselves, allows us to take greater responsibility for our group by first taking more responsibility for our own actions.

It’s easy to blame others for missteps and inconveniences, but they are the ones that you chose to work with, trained and allowed their actions to exist. If you place more time on being a better boss and CEO first, and then put forth well-thought out policies and procedures to train others on, then it comes down to holding them accountable. Unfortunately, too many physical therapy practices are so busy running the day to day functions of being productive and getting work done, that they are not proficient at working on their practice policies and procedures or on standardizing systems of operations. This gives your team better clarity and certainty so they can get their jobs done. Giving this direction and confidence to others goes a long way towards building your team and company culture.

Episode at a glance:​

  • Frustration from the owner comes from not knowing.
  • Be responsible for your own daily schedule. Be on time and always do what you say you’re going to do.
  • Never stop answering the question to your staff of where the practice is going.
  • Know and understand the following documents: Annual BSP, Annual Marketing Plan, 2 month marketing campaigns on google, and weekly Management Action Plans.
  • Have appropriate meetings each week with fixed start and stop times for coordination. Similarly, stick to your work schedule to remain on task.


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