Episode 34: Cybersecurity and HIPAA Risks for Physical Therapy Practices

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Knowing what it takes to protect your practice and yourself from liability is serious business today. Many physical therapy owners are unaware of the risks they are under by not having a practice assessment by a cybersecurity expert. Following an assessment or audit, private practice owners need to have an ongoing plan to remain compliant with HIPAA regulations and cybersecurity laws. 

The penalties and risks of a breach are very real for practice owners. This means getting the right advice is imperative to learn how and what needs to be done to be compliant. Just as important is finding someone you trust so you are not taken advantage of in the process of getting the help you need. Craig Petronella is that high level expert with whom I trust and believe in to specifically handle our physical therapy owners in an affordable and professional manner that we can afford. 

Episode at a glance:

  • Good leaders NEVER ignore what needs to be confronted – remember, confront is not necessarily negative, its saying what needs to be said, when it needs to be said.
  • Why you need to have an understanding of the cybersecurity risks that could impact your business. Having an understanding of the specialities these technology services and how crucial they are to cyber protections may mean outsourcing is the best option for you and your business.
  • Policies and procedures are not enough. You need to test, monitor and train your staff on what is required.

About Craig

Craig Petronella is the CEO of Petronella Technology Group, Inc. PTG is a well-known and trusted cybersecurity group that specializes in helping small businesses, medical practices, healthtech startups, and law firms with security and compliance. Craig is the author of the best-selling book How HIPAA Can Crush Your Medical Practice.


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