Episode 50: Building Your Ideal Practice

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Whether you have multiple offices or just one, it’s important to recognize that every successful small business grows through three distinct phases of business development. Most private practice owners are unaware of these phases and what is required to efficiently progress smoothly through each phase for successful business growth and development. It is quite common for unknowing owners to find themselves falling further behind and becoming more and more frustrated with the way things are going due to lack of structure, and lack of standard operating procedures that match their current state of business size and development. These challenges are largely due to a lack of knowledge and lack of available processes to handle staffing and operating needs.

While it is the CEO and executive that has the larger vision, they also need to set into motion the structure and systems of operation necessary for individuals to gain clarity from so they can be successful in their roles and responsibilities.

What took Brian years to learn, develop and implement can now be mastered in a few months if not weeks should the owner set aside just two hours a week for their own professional enhancement. In order for that to happen, owners must consider that we don’t have all the answers and that a coach can help develop us into the owner we want to be – recently Brian shared the four types of common PT Owners, but this week he’s sharing how to build your own ideal practice.

Episode at a glance:

  • Know that it takes a team to win. Invest in those around you and delegate more.
  • Your personnel is the most important element to your clinic’s success.
  • Structure dictates function. Let everyone know what your company’s organization chart looks like.
  • Ensure everyone knows what your company goals are and where you are trying to take the group this year and in future years.
  • If you want to learn more about the key structural changes between the infant phase, adolescence phase and mature phase for your unique practice, reach out to Brian and he can work it out with you specifically for your very own situation.


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