Episode 30: How to Digitally Market For New Patients

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One of the frustrations of being a private practice owner is riding the ups and downs of the new patients coming into your office each week. When the new patient numbers were high I always had some pep in my step and became much more creative as an owner toward expanding my physical therapy practice. The new patient statistic became a bellwether to my own personal happiness and professional confidence when it came to expanding and trying new things.

Later, I learned that the new patient stat needed to be something I drove and not the other way around. Only after extensive study of this topic of marketing, sales, and prospecting was I able to comprehend the full recipe for success. Up until then I was always looking at the individual ingredients and never the big picture. Only after fully understanding the importance of committing to an annual marketing plan with monthly marketing campaigns that were measured statistically was I able to be more at cause over how I felt about my business and myself versus the effect of my new patient stats.

Episode at a glance:

  • Traditional marketing is everything you use to do off-line such as direct mail, calls, print advertisements, billboards, radio, or TV.
  • Social media marketing does not replace the forms of traditional marketing it merely complements it by having a much greater reach with a much greater volume of respondents while also being cost effective.
  • Social media do’s and don’ts such as being consistent, authentic, and how to avoid negativity.
  • How to incorporate video content into your social media strategy and why it’s important.
  • How to identify your target audience and how to add value in your posts.


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